(403) 986-9653 labyrinthlaser@gmail.com


Labyrinth Laser Inc. » Services

Services We Offer

Say goodbye to unwanted ink. When you’re with Labyrinth Laser, it’s more than removal—it’s transformation. Dive into the services we offer.

Complimentary Consultation

Laser Tattoo Removal

  • Complete Removal
  • Fading for a Coverup
  • Cleaning up Tattoo Blowout
  • Eyebrow Removal

Carbon Facials

Treating Solar Lentigos



Level 1


Level 2


Level 3




Carbon Facial


Labyrinth Laser’s technicians are fully certified. They use the safest, most effective protocols for each patient and their unique skin type. However, you will achieve the best results if you follow these post-treatment instructions.

Keep Cool After Your Treatment

  • Ice and elevation are your friends—ice for 15 mins.
  • Wait 24-48 hours after treatment to exercise.
  • Showers should be cool to lukewarm, not hot.
  • Wear loose-fitting clothes.
  • Wait four weeks after the treatment to go to a sauna. If you can’t wait, take ice to keep the treatment site cool.


  • Friction to the area.
  • Sun exposure for the next 3-4 weeks. If necessary, keep the treated tattoo covered.
  • Soaking or prolonged contact with water, including swimming pools, baths, lakes, rivers, etc.
  • Skin irritants (products containing retinol, tretinoin, benzoyl peroxide, glycolic/salicylic acids, astringents, etc.) should be avoided until the skin is fully healed.
  • Picking or scratching.
  • Use lotions and ointments in the treatment area for 48-72 hours.

To Aid in Healing

  • Drink lots of water, exercise, and eat healthy food daily.
  • Limit alcohol and recreational drug consumption.
  • Limit nicotine throughout the treatment process.
  • If irritated or itchy, use a small amount of vitamin E, Aquaphor, or unscented lotion.
  • After 3-4 weeks, to protect from sun exposure, you can use sports tape over the treatment area.
*All of this and more will be discussed during your consultation.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email labyrinthlaser@gmail.com or DM us on Instagram or Facebook with a picture of your tattoo.

Before And After

Frequently Asked Questions

Is It Worth It to Start Getting Laser Treatments Now If I Plan to Take the Summer Off?

YES, it definitely is! If you want to take the summer off from treatments, it’s a good idea to get at least one treatment before summer and let time do some of the removal work for you. More time between sessions is more beneficial to the removal process than getting laser treatments too close together. Getting a treatment is never a waste of time or money, even if it’s months or years before you get your next one.

How Many Sessions Will I Need?

The number of sessions required depends on many variables, such as the ink type and color, placement on the body, lifestyle of the client, and depth of the tattoo. The average number of sessions required for complete removal is 8-12.

How Long Do I Need to Wait Between Sessions?

The minimum time between sessions is 8-10 weeks.

What Is the Easiest Color to Remove?

Black is the easiest color for the laser to target. However, that doesn’t always make it the easiest to remove. Black ink molecules are heavy and settle deeper in the dermis.

What Type of Laser Do You Have?

We have the Quanta EVO Q-Plus. The q-switched technology generates photoacoustic energy that effectively targets inks and pigmentations while leaving the surrounding skin intact.

How Does Laser Work?

You can check our laser section to learn more about our processes.

I’m Ashamed of the Tattoo That I Want to Remove. Will I Need to Talk About It?

It is essential to us that our clients feel safe and comfortable in our space. We respect your right to privacy and will never pry. We are not here to judge. We are only here to help you feel better in your skin.

Does It Hurt?

Pain is subjective. However, the sensation of tattoo removal feels like the snapping of a hot rubber band.

Do You Use Numbing Cream?

If you’d like to use numbing cream, you must do so at your own risk and apply it before your appointment. If you choose to use it, we recommend Zenza.

I Have an Appointment Next Week to Get a Tattoo Removed from My Leg. I Just Got My Forearm Tattooed Today. Is That Okay?

We recommend three weeks between laser and tattoos (in unrelated areas).

What Should I Do to Prepare for My Appointment?

Limit caffeine and drink lots of water. Eat a good meal. Wear loose clothes that will not trap you in heat. Plan to take it easy for the rest of the day.

A Side Effect of My Medication Is Photosensitivity. Does It Matter?

Photosensitivity is a sensitivity to light and heat that can cause skin darkening, blisters, or burns. You must discontinue all medications and creams that cause photosensitivity 7-10 days before treatment.

How Do I Book an Appointment?

We recommend that you book a consultation before booking your appointment. This is best done in person but can be done online if time and distance are factors. We have a few ways to book: Call 403-986-9653, DM @labyrinth_laser, or email labyrinthlaser@gmail.com. Business hours are 10am – 4pm Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.

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